孙莲 摩羯座 | 95后 | 河北省-承德市  



vhils honors healthcare workers + ancillaries with massive mural in porto图像(Vhils)@Exandingroot⁠




vhils honors healthcare workers + ancillaries with massive mural in porto



“从今天开始,这条新的象征性前线将陪伴所有进出圣若昂大学医院中心的人,这样我们就不会忘记那些为了人民的福祉而无私地为社区提供支持和服务的人,” 评论Vhils在Facebook上他第一次展示壁画的形象。

vhils honors healthcare workers + ancillaries with massive mural in porto

vhils honors healthcare workers + ancillaries with massive mural in porto

vhils honors healthcare workers + ancillaries with massive mural in porto

vhils honors healthcare workers + ancillaries with massive mural in porto

vhils honors healthcare workers + ancillaries with massive mural in porto

vhils honors healthcare workers + ancillaries with massive mural in porto

vhils honors healthcare workers + ancillaries with massive mural in porto

