Kelly Leeeeeeee

The Archipelago tries to trace a model for the Contemporary Metropolis. Scenes are identified. Each piece, each scene, each island, behaves as a laboratory.

Kelly Leeeeeeee

Absolute Dizzy from above

Kelly Leeeeeeee

得到aoe Larry大师的亲自授权,一手资料 曝光【广州路壹号院】设计细节!每一张照片都能表达出设计的细腻情感,以真心做出的建筑,可以自己说话!无愧于理想,感动!

Kelly Leeeeeeee

【Mess is the Law】建筑取决于的可能是偶然中的思维,无序甚至错误

Kelly Leeeeeeee

Karel作业完成 希望可以被standford网课录取??

Kelly Leeeeeeee

“一点北京”精彩细部 @李涵 @AIA @Roca Gallery Beijing

Kelly Leeeeeeee

C家包的布袋 B家卫衣的缩口带 T家的防滑扣 手工缝制 老干部必备 “联名款”暖水杯挎袋