Kelly Leeeeeeee

Anti-Social as ME

Kelly Leeeeeeee

得到aoe Larry大师的亲自授权,一手资料 曝光【广州路壹号院】设计细节!每一张照片都能表达出设计的细腻情感,以真心做出的建筑,可以自己说话!无愧于理想,感动!

Kelly Leeeeeeee

“一点北京”精彩细部 @李涵 @AIA @Roca Gallery Beijing

Kelly Leeeeeeee


Kelly Leeeeeeee

【这班儿加不完了】“The companionate heart that finds joy and meaning in connecting with others, and yes, your pounding physical heart, working so hard to give you strength and energy.”

Kelly Leeeeeeee

实验美学 Experimental Aesthetics

Kelly Leeeeeeee

【Mess is the Law】建筑取决于的可能是偶然中的思维,无序甚至错误